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Documents: Final Release

Documents User Manual (German)
User Manual for JORGE
Documents Installation Manual (German)
Installation Manual for JORGE
Documents Final Report (German)
Technical manual: Implementation issues.
Documents Meta Documentation (German)
Meta Documentation: General Information.
Documents Pflichtenheft (German)
Project ....
Documents Projekt Handbuch (German)
Project ....
Documents Vortrag: Präsentation JORGE (German)
Project presentation
Documents Vortrag: Verteidigung (German)
Project ....
Development JORGE Documentation
Source code documentation (Doxygen).

Documents: Prototype Related

Documents Projektantrag
project application for project JORGE
Documents Projektarbeit Aufgabenstellung
Task description for this project
Documents Final Report (German)
Final report for Project Management.
Documents Installation Guide (German)
How to install JORGE from source and binary (Windows only).
Documents Tecnical Report (German)
Documentation of work done during this project.
Documents Emulator Evaluation (German)
An overview over tested RCX emulators.
Documents User Manual (German)
How to use JORGE, step by step from compiling to running the simulation
Documents JORGE Documentation
Source code documentation (Doxygen).
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